
The purpose of crushing

Solid material under the action of external forces, overcome the cohesion of the material, the large particles broken into small particles is called pulverization. Material

crushed by the crusher and mill to accomplish the purpose of crushing as follows:

1. As for homogenizing pulverized, increasing the surface area of ​​the material. Because of the large particulate material banana screen broken into fine powder state so that can be of several

different solid materials (mainly different chemical composition) is mixed to obtain a good uniform results.
2. With beneficiation of mineral resources development and utilization of increasingly lower ore grade, ore in order to obtain the active ingredient, requires a lot of ore

processed through beneficiation to take advantage of. And selected ore refractory ore more and more useful component ore closely integrated with the impurities in a

Since, for the decomposition of the active ingredient from the ore, as long as it sufficiently pulverized, after processing in order to separate the useful component with

impurities and removing impurities, than the pure concentrate.
3. Particle size classification in industrial production, due to the specific production process requirements, must meet its mill product size
4. Increase of specific surface area of ​​the material surface area per unit mass or volume of the material of the surface area, the smaller the particle size of the material the

greater the specific surface area. Increase the specific surface area of ​​the material the material can contact area with the surrounding medium increases, so that the reaction

speed. For example, the catalyst then

Touch response, combustion and gasification of solid fuels, materials dissolution, adsorption and drying, as well as in the chemical industry on the use of fluidized bed powder

particles large contact area to enhance the mass transfer and heat transfer, etc. In addition in the cement industry in the final product - together with gypsum cement clinker

powdered state, crushed

The finer the particle size, the greater the surface area, the higher the reference numeral cement.
5. Superfine With modern industrial developments, new materials development, the need to grind very fine material (10μm less). To meet the fine ceramics, electronic materials,

magnetic materials, catalysts and other emerging industrial needs. Currently using superfine mill - with high-speed impact powder

belt weigh feeder, extreme pressure mill, high pressure grinding.

