
Corn linear vibrating screen screening machine

    We all know that corn is tack -shaped object lesson , so we do not consider the problem of blocking network so that more corn did not increase net cleaning apparatus

necessary. As we all know , corn is tilting in storage when there are many small clods , the failure of corn kernels , and other public

Much debris, so in order to clean up these coal screening machine impurities and make high-quality corn kernels , uniform storage, in order to facilitate future better put into production use , we

need linear vibrating sieve, namely corn screening machine , and we can pass corn grain diameter of the number and size selection screen ,

Based on the amount of choice that we intend to address screening machine models, the corn kernels into the entrance of the screening machine , start vibrating motor , when work

began screening , because the vibration oscillating screen sieve , drive straight corn kernels and debris jumping motion , so since , more than a large corn kernels

Debris will stay on top of the screen , while the corn kernels are down spout into the next layer of mesh, do the same jumps vibration than corn kernels passing through a sieve

of small impurities will , so that got left qualified under the corn kernels . screening work is completed , Ebb Tide , winnowed out high-quality corn

Tablets for the next processing laid a good foundation.

